In this yin flow, we care for our spine in all the ways it moves to support us in our daily life. Stimulating each area of the spine through flexion, lateral flexion, rotation, and extension. In addition to this, we make use of our props for support and also marma therapy.

Marma therapy is enhanced by the application of Ayurvedic Herbal Oils during the therapy. An Ayurvedic practitioner would usually determine the specific herbs and oil formulation based on the individual and the root cause of their pain. But if you are looking to incorporate this into your home yoga practice, a good generic oil for leg and back pain relief, would be Dhanwanthrum Tailam or Pinda Tailam. Stimulation of marma can produce analgesia by secreting a number of prostaglandin inhibitors, endorphins, interferon, and other opioid-like substances providing instant pain relief.

Kshipra Marma is found in the hands and the feet. In the feet, they are located in the web between the big toe and first toe. Kshipra marma is useful in complaints of the shoulder region, anterior triangle of the neck and in ailments like cervical spondylosis, tonsillitis, and thyroid conditions. It also act as a utilitarian in case of backache.

The sacroiliac joint which is situated next to the bottom of spine on each side, below the lumbar spine and above the tailbone is the house of Kukundara marma. Sacroiliac joint connects the bottom of spine (i.e sacrum) with the pelvis thus plays an important role by acting as a shock-absorbing structure and helps to transfer the load of upper body while standing or walking to your hips and legs. Whenever we experience stress and fatigue we stretch ourselves backward by placing both hands on our sides as a natural gesture, our thumbs automatically pressurises the point of Kukundara marma. As self marma therapy stimulating Kukundara marma when you are fatigued, energises the body and releases the tension held in the lower extremities. 

There are mainly 14 important marma points of back region, of which Katikataruna marma gets primordial importance. This marma point controls bones and the skeletal system (asthivaha srotas), lubrication of the joints (sleshaka kapha), and the sweat glands (swedavaha srotas). It relieves Vata, and thus relieves pain. You can either stimulate in a prone position as pictured, or make a slight modification to vajrasana (kneeling) for an easy way to self stimulate this marma point.

Rhian Hunter