If we are going to swear off a food completely, at the very least, let’s know a little something about it.
This morning I shared an amusing video, that sadly depicts an ever growing population of people swearing off certain foods; in particular gluten, without having any knowledge on what gluten actually is. So what is Gluten? Gluten is a composite of storage proteins termed prolamins and glutelins and stored together with starch in the endosperm of various grass-related grains. It is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye, spelt, and other related species and hybrids and products of these. The two main proteins in gluten are glutenin and gliadin. Gliadin is responsible for most of the negative health effects experienced from consumption.
I discussed the reasons behind why this is of concern; Firstly without knowing what gluten is, let alone the foods contain this protein we may be
a) Avoiding foods that are are otherwise fit for consumption and healthful, be missing out on vital nutrients that we would usually consume regularly.
b) Consuming foods that are labelled “Gluten Free”, yet are highly processed, high in refined carbohydrates, devoid of any nutrients and lacking in fibre.
and most importantly
c) Missing out on vital nutrients that we would usually consume from these foods regularly.
It’s so important, when removing foods from the diet that it’s done so in a way way that optimises your health, rather than compromising it later down the track, and so as promised I’ve created a FREE 13 Page Guide for you to Download, Print, Study and or Share with others.
You can download the HHNT Foods Naturally Free From Gluten Guide here—> HHNT Gluten Free Food Guide