Let's put our yoga into action!
As Kriyā yoga is the yoga of action, your task for our final week is to interface with the three tenets via your experiences in studio, and off the mat. These journal sheets can be used as a daily action log that includes the 3 distinct components mirroring the three tenets:
The Daily Action becomes your tapas or discipline
The Intention for the chose action puts īsvarapranidhāna into practice by exercising quality of action
Your reflection of the action enacts svādhyāya
I have pre-filled one of the journal sheets to give you an example of living your yoga on the mat and off it.
So relating to your yoga practice you might choose:
Take 12 conscious breaths
Do a guided meditation
Learn a challenging yoga pose
Create a small flow
Learn some yogic philosophy
Relating to your daily action off the mat you might choose:
Call a close friend
Read a chapter of a book
Get organised with meals + shopping lists
Dedicate a small amount of time to doing something for myself
Of course these are only examples, you can choose whatever you like, and every day presents the opportunity for a new action. So save, screenshot and print off 5-7 sheets, and get ready put your yoga into action with me next week!