- Yoga Sutra, ch.2, v44: Svādhyāya leads to awareness, communication, and union with the spirit

These days, self exploration typically is done in tiny, fragmented ways. For your body, you might take a yoga class or workout at the gym. For your mind, you take a short course, or read a good book. For your personal development you might undertake some healing therapy or see a counsellor. Study of the self needs an integral approach and doesn’t come from simply reading one self help book, or listening to a podcast, or taking a yoga class. Self-study comes from personal experience- knowing what your mind is doing, feeling what your body is feeling - every single day. Self study is when you examine what is inside you. It’s when you take the time to return to yourself, and reveal yourself, to yourself. In yoga, there are at least four developmental stages to this process. The below worksheet is a framework for svādhyāya, and for carrying you throughout your day.

Take the time to print 2 copies, and use one to practice svādhyāya on the mat, and the other for off the mat.

Svādhyāya Worksheet.png
Rhian Hunter