Tantra/Hatha Yoga for the Sacral Chakra

Tantra yoga teaches that the body is a place of worship and the senses can bring ecstasy and enlightenment - hence its connection with the pleasure principle of the sacral chakra.

The second chakra is a point of duality - where opposites coexist and movement begins. Tantra reflects this duality, originating from the worship of  the she-and-he hindu deities Shakti (dynamic, creative, feminine) and Shiva (static, destructive, masculine).

Tantra is often associated with tantric sex, which is  a sensual, spiritual form of sex. But these sexual practices are actually just one part of tantra and are actually more accurately described as neotantraTantra means "to weave" in Sanskrit, and classical tantra is all about reaching spiritual enlightenment through connecting with your energy. This traditional understanding of tantra is the heart of tantric yoga.

Traditional tantra yoga focuses on internal connection and reflection, with physical flexibility, strength, and prior knowledge of the postures taking a backseat to the primary intention of self-knowledge and empowerment.

In this practice, there is no explanation on how to execute the asanas. Simply glance over the names (even if many are unfamiliar to you), and look a the shapes. At first this can be confusing and make you a little irritated, but push pass this and find freedom in being able to close your eyes and focus fully on your practice without the distraction of a teacher’s cues. Discover what feels good to you in each moment of your practice and trust that. Instead of doing the yoga, just be yoga.

To open up this chakra, and release any negative energy stored, I’ve offered some deep hip openers, and poses that strengthen the muscles around the pelvis, hips and buttocks. Throw in a Chandra Namaskar (moon salutation) and make sure you allocate time to play!

Rhian Hunter