Yin yoga for the lung meridian

In this flow, we inspire chi flow through the lung meridian. Located in the chest and protected by the rib cage. The lungs are responsible for filtering air and oxygenating blood. The lungs draw in chi from the air and send it down to the kidneys. The lungs are considered to be the most fragile organ because of their close connection to the outside.

The meridian line starts at the inside top of the arm – right between where your collarbone and shoulder bone are – and goes down the inner arm to the wrist crease closest to the thumb, down the inner edge of the thumb and out to the outer edge of the thumb. Trace this line on yourself to feel where the energy of the lung  meridian travels.

When the lungs are out of balance we can experience colds, coughs, occipital headaches, asthma and skin issues. It is often connected with grief, sadness, depression and disappointment. When in balance, we can experience fairness, acceptance, self-protection and dignity.

The lungs are associated with the metal element, the colour white, and Autumn.

Hold poses anywhere from 3-5 minutes or whatever feels comfortable to you.

Do not practice Bhastrika Pranayama if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma and/or are pregnant.

Rhian Hunter